ÂGÉE scouted by LIL Milan

Today is a big day. The most important day of the year for me. 

When I created LIL Milan, I was absolutely unaware of what I was doing and I would have never dreamt of having the strength or the chance to pursue this entrepreneurial rollercoaster.

Today, compared to that day in 2014, I'm 100% aware (and I'm shitting my pants). 

Today is the day that I'm starting a new adventure, by launching a new jewellery brand. 

What the heck are you talking about, you may be wondering. 

ÂGÉE is the name. 

Let me say it out loud: ÂGÉE (yes, pretend to say it the French way). 

Don't get me wrong, LIL Milan will *always* be my first born but ÂGÉE represents what I am currently fascinated by: TIME PASSING BY and the effects of time on jewellery.

Why? Over the years, I have realized that every time I stare at someone's neck or hands (yes, it happens often), the object I was fascinated by always ended up being antique jewelry. 

Inherited from relatives, grandmothers and great grandmothers.

What exactly is ÂGÉE?

ÂGÉE is made up of a group of carefully selected antique jewellery pieces that I fell in love with.

ÂGÉE is made up of one-of-a-kind pieces that only one person will be lucky enough to wear everyday. 

ÂGÉE is the ring of your grandmother you never got the chance to wear because she lost it. 

ÂGÉE is about jewelry passing down from one generation to the next. 

ÂGÉE is the sound of the past bursting into the present. Becoming even more attractive. 

ÂGÉE is similar to expression lines on a beautiful woman's face. A woman who can sit in silence but still has a lot to tell.

Ok, fine. I will stop. I'm madly in love with LIL Milan's younger (but older) sister: ÂGÉE.

You can check out the collection here. Here you can read Sandra Salibian's interview for WWD, she talks about everything ÂGÉE.

Remember that once it's gone, it's gone.

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